Saturday, September 6, 2008

We're on Our Way!

Short post tonight, everyone. I am soooooo tired. After my person and a bunch of other people put all of our stuff on a truck, we all went to Spanky's old house. Spanky said that it used to be TGWWGA's house, too. I figured we were going to drop them both off there, but no luck. TGWWGA is still with us. :(

Tonight we are all in Illinois. Spanky has been in a bad mood all day. Something about "this valium being exactly like a car." Edmund is kind of scared, but he's kind of scared of everything, so I'm not too worried. I will write a better post tomorrow when I'm not so tired. Moving is hard work!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings, Kavestky cats!

I just thought you should congratulate yourselves on the fact that you have caused chaos in not one, but two houses. Nimbus (the white cat that you certainly smelled, and probably saw, the day The Help cruelly abandoned you in a strange house) keeps walking out onto the sun porch, sniffing the air, and then running back into the house. Also, sometimes she sniffs the chairs that your people left at my place, and gives me this utterly betrayed look. So consider your mission accomplished. =P

Have a good trip to California, and enjoy breaking in a new apartment. And Spanky-- if you have any Valium left over once the trip is over, send it my way.

Bon Voyage!