Monday, August 25, 2008

A Bit of Background

Now that the cats have all introduced themselves, I thought some background information about the move might be in order. Spanky, Dante, and Edmund are moving because Jennifer (that's me) has been accepted to the Ph.D. program at the University of California, Riverside. We will be rolling out in a little less than 2 weeks and we will arrive in California about a week later. There is still lots of packing to do (not to mention loading the truck) so I'm sure the cats will have more thoughts to share before the trip.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog and feel free to post in the comment section; the cats tell me they love reading them. :)


Felinity said...

Congratulations! California sounds so exciting! :-)

Jennifer said...

Thank you! We're nervous but excited. There's so much to do.