Monday, May 14, 2012


First, you should know that Mommy's friends from Michigan came to visit us in April. They were very nice. Well, Mommy's one friend was nice but the other friend was a monster. Why are there so many monsters?!?! It was very scary and I spent lots of time hiding under the bed. But, they went on lots and lots and LOTS of adventures while they were here. It's going to take us awhile to tell you about all of them. Mommy said I could go first and I picked Disneyland! The happiest place on earth!

Sometimes Mommy gets a little carried away when she has the camera and will take pictures of silly things. She thinks the polite trash can is really funny. I don't know why, but humans can be weird sometimes. Even my Mommy.

But they did a lot more than take pictures of trash cans. That would be too silly even for humans. They went on a ride that had a dinosaur. See!

No, not the train! The dinosaur. It's down on the right. It looks angry and everything! Spanky says it's not a real dinosaur and even it was it's just a dinosaur skeleton but I don't know... Look at those teeth! They're bigger than me!

They also went on a ride where you had to shoot aliens with a laser gun. Aliens!!! O.o So scary! Why are there scary aliens at someplace that's supposed to be happy? Maybe the happy part is getting to shoot the aliens? I guess that makes sense. I still think it would be happier without aliens in the first place... At the end of the ride, you got a score based on how many aliens you lasered and the Monster got WAY more points than my Mommy did.

Mommy's Score
The Monster's Score....

Even aliens are afraid of Monsters....

Then, they went on a submarine ride. I don't know why anybody would want to get inside something that goes under the water. What if it started leaking? Then you'd be all wet! I fell in the bathtub once when Mommy was taking a shower and it was not fun at all!

That's way more water than a bathtub. Don't let those birds fool you. Birds have wings so they don't fall in the water when they slip. Also, only one of those birds is real.

One last picture before I go:

Giant mice! I am not afraid of mice but mice are afraid of me. Even giant mice would be afraid of me if I pounced on them! *nod nod nod* Once I knocked them down, I could sit on them. I didn't get to try my giant mouse tackling skills this time but next time they go I'm making Mommy take me.

As long as the Monster doesn't go too.

And there's no water rides.
Or dinosaur rides.
Or anything scary.

I just want to chase the mice. :D

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