Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar

Since we won't be able to post for awhile, I want to make sure I give a shout out to my friend Hammy. That's him in the picture. He stayed with us over Christmas Break while his people were out of town. It was pretty crazy having 4 cats in the house, but Hammy is cool so it was ok.

I wasn't sure at first if I was going to like him. He was a little too enthusiastic. I'm generally pretty easy going, but he came bounding up to me the first night and touched his nose to mine. Whoa! Too much, dude, too much. He was still pretty young, though, so it's understandable. I took him under my wing err.. paw and showed him the ropes and he settled down.

It took forever to get the others to like him. Edmund would just sit and meow at him. Edmund can meow really loud. Like hear him across the house loud. I think Edmund was worried that if me and Hammy were friends, I wouldn't be Edmund's friend anymore. Which was silly. But that's Edmund for you. Always worrying about stuff. I got him to see reason eventually and then we could all three play together.

Spanky never really warmed up to Hammy. Big surprise there. Spanky is so grumpy! He kept grumbling about "too many kittens" and "I'm not raising another whippersnapper." Srsly. Edmund and I aren't kittens! Anyway, Hammy learned to just avoid Spanky and it all was good.

Just to show you want a cool dude Hammy is, here he is on New Year's Eve in the liquor cabinet. I didn't even know my people had a liquor cabinet.


Even though it was New Year's Eve, we couldn't convince my person to give us any bubbly to ring in the new year. Lame! *eye roll*

P.S. My person picked out the title. She says it relates to Hammy's real name. Whatever. Hammy is a much cooler name than Hamlet.

It never ends!

My person has told me that this will probably the last time she can let us use the computer for awhile. Apparently, she has to write more papers or something. She just wrote papers! How can it be time to do it again?! Srsly not cool. Anyway, we did get to post some stuff. Not much, but it's better than the 4 months of nothing last time.

I would be more ok with this if it wasn't for her other reason for needing the computer. At the end of the term she's going to Orlando. At first I thought this was good because she's finally going on a real Spring Break. That would be so cool!

I shoulda known better.

She is going to Orlando for a conference on, get this, science fiction. Science fiction!!! What is wrong with her?!? Apparently, this is a big deal meeting for people who like to study science fiction. Why would you do that? Why get all the dorks together in once place? I mean, it gets them to leave the cool people alone, but all it really does is give them a chance to trade ideas on how to be even more dorky. Gargh!

*sighs* She is really excited about it, though. It means she's even more stressed out than usual, and I think it means we're going to get left with TGWWGA again. She says it will only be for a few days. I guess I can ignore him for that long if this trip is that important to her.

I am totally getting cat hair all over her stuff before she goes, though.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Umm...I don't think the floor is supposed to be squishy...

We've been having lots of adventures in California, but we didn't even have to leave the house for the last one! I love it when we stay here where my food dish is! Two weeks ago, Mommy came home and discovered that the living room and closet floor was all wet. A pipe had burst and was soaking everything! O.o

The Monster wasn't home so Mommy had to figure out how to turn off the water and move everything out of the way all by herself. I would've helped since I'm a good kitty, but my poor feet kept getting wet from all the water. Poor feet.

Apparently, to fix leaky pipes, you need to call lots and lots of other monsters. I'm glad they made the floor not squishy anymore, but I wish they hadn't been so scary. First, a monster came to fix the pipe. He said it would only be a few minutes but it took him two hours. That's a long time to hide under the bed! Meanwhile, another monster showed up to start drying the floor. He wasn't here long, but he left these great big fans behind. They were really loud and made the carpet move up and down. I did not like that all. The floor is supposed to stay still!


The fans had to stay on for days and days and once the floor was done, it was time to dry the walls. Apparently, there's something bad in our walls called asbestos so they had to take out all the wet parts instead of drying them. I wonder if asbestos is a type of monster? I was glad at first (no more fans!) but it turned out it meant that even more monsters had to come to our house. They sealed off the whole area with plastic and put on special suits and masks. Monsters are scary enough without masks!

Now that they're gone, there are all these fun holes in the wall! I can walk right into the closet even if the door is shut. Mommy did block off the crawl space under the stairs. I don't know why, though, it looked like a pretty fun place to play.


The closet is pretty awesome, but what's even better is that I can join Mommy in the bathroom whenever she closes the door with me on the other side. She was so happy to see me when I popped out from underneath the sink the first time, she jumped!


Nothing was ruined because Mommy caught it in time but lots of stuff, including my food dish, is upstairs now. It's great! I don't have to go downstairs and leave Mommy to eat my dinner anymore. Soon, there will be even more of me to love!

Spanky says that there is still more work to do downstairs. More monsters will have to come fix the walls and the carpet. I don't see why they want to fix the walls. Frolicking in the coat closet is fun!

P.S. That last picture is a picture of Spanky, not me (you can see Dante and me in the background). Mommy says I need to learn to be cute when she has the camera ready.